Here are two wallhangings that I made before November 2002. I think I must have been on a big photography session then. The hummingbird was a stained glass pattern and I really enjoyed making it. I sold it last year. Someone asked if I happened to have a hummingbird wallhanging on hand and I did and she was willing to pay for it. The second wallhanging was one I struggled with in the technique and it was made so long ago that I dislike the fabrics now. I love purple irises though!

Very pretty - I've not tried stained glass quilts yet, but I love them. Isn't it funny how our taste in colors/fabrics changes over the years. I like both of them - and if the irises are looking for a new home I know of a very nice one. LOL
It makes me giggle to look back at some of my "early" color choices too. Although I think your "early" color choices still WAY outway mine by far! What a hoot! Hey, I think I bought some of that border fabric on the iris one too! :)
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