I am officially on spring break as of 12 PM today. I work in a school district with a 4 day school week and I only work half days as an aide. However I do teach kindergarten and first grade in a one room school. My plans for break include quilting, yardwork, housework and going away for 3 days to visit a friend.This is a picture of finished wallhanging started by my friend Vicki through the Pat Sloan yahoo group. I made some of the blocks in this and inherited all the blocks. I set them together and added the applique borders and thought Friendship Memories was appropriate as a memorial to her.
I'm thrilled to have finished two UFO projects this month, along with the tablerunner. I have also been doing assorted little projects, making blocks, machine quilting for others, etc.
I am actually almost finished with two projects for the month! I quilted and bound my Katie's Tulips wallhanging I posted on March 22nd. I just have the binding to go on another large wallhanging that was not even my UFO to start with but was given to me at the passing of a friend.
I have another project I am trying to machine quilt and yet another I would like to finish by next Tuesday when I head to WA to visit a friend for a couple days. Plus I have a challenge quilt I am working on. I filled out the form for the Seaport Quilters Show in Lewiston at the end of April, now I need to finish the project!
Since I don't have new quilt photos to post (I will take some) I will post a picture taken out my bedroom window last month. I live in Idaho, but the mountains you can almost see in the background are the Blue Mountains in WA.

Last weekend was National Quilting Day. My guild did a two day charity quiltathon. We had several tops ready and set up two frames and tied them. I was only able to attend Friday, since my son had his first track meet of the season Saturday. Friday night I came home and didn't feel like machine quilting and looked around and got out an old piece of fabric and started whacking. Literally, I did a 4 patch stack and whack. I love how this quilt turned out and the title isn't definite but something on the order of "Why is Junk Food so Bad, But Tastes so Good?" I have a Hershey Bar fabric in my stash also that will be the backing. My friend Rosan had seen the blocks last Sunday when returning my quilt frames and brought me a piece of french fry fabric yesterday, but I had the top together. I think I have come up with a plan for it though. I am going to fussy cut areas and fuse them on around the border and use the fabric for binding! This was a total stash project. Now to get it quilted along with lots of other projects!
This is a tablerunner I made for a birthday gift for my friend Joann for her March birthday. It all started on Feb. 25th when one of my yahoo groups had a Christmas sew-in. We schedule them on the 25th of every month so some of us procrastinators can try to be ahead of the game when December rolls around. I have always loved the cover quilt of the book "Scraps to You" by Debbie Caffrey. I decided to start cutting batiks and make a miniature version. I seem to have slightly overcut so I start piecing and ended up with this tablerunner and sent it to Joann for her birthday. To give you an idea of scale, the darker 4 patches are made of 1" finished squares. I am working on the original project I started on the 25th, but this was a lot of fun!
This is the third time I have tried to post and my browser closes on me with this new blogger! It's driving me crazy! I spent most of February either sick or working on commission projects. I worked on a variety of different things, but I pieced this top at a recent quilt retreat for the American Hero quilt project. I plan on getting it quilted as soon as I can!
I also fused and blanket stitched a wallhanging that I have had the pieces traced and fabric picked for several years. It's a Pat Sloan design, Katie's Tulips.
I am going to try to publish this now before adding anything else. So far so good on not crashing!