After my big basting spree (I actually added one more since my last post) I was able to quilt and bind two of the quilts and I am working on two more. It feels so good to have some finishes!
A fellow teacher is undergoing cancer treatment right now and she has been so complimentary of my quilts and likes purple so I quilted this up from my basted pile and it was delivered to her last week. She loves it and said the colors are perfect. I have so many quilts it feels great to be able to gift them. This is not paper pieced, it's one of the stack and slash style quilts.
quilting closeup, I had fun doodling |
I pieced this top 4 years ago and 30's are not my style of fabrics! My oldest daughter likes them so her room here at home is decorated with 30's quilts that I have accumulated over the years. I had assumed I would put this there eventually, but I found out about a quilt shop owner that has never received the gift of a quilt and I enjoy her quilt retreats and I finished this quilt (Thursday night!) and dropped it off to her Friday on our way to visit our daughters. She loves it. I had a ruler and made 21 dresdens. 9 of them were made into a wallhanging and I sold it to my wedding singer. I came up with this setting for the rest of the blocks.
quilting closeup |
As I mentioned we made a weekend trip to visit our daughters and grandkids. My husband finished the fall farm work and we hadn't gotten to see the twins since the end of July and the other two kids since the first week of August.
oldest daughter's kids |
My four grand-kids - two sets of cousins! |
younger daughter's twins, almost a year old! |
We went for a family hike.
Salmon River Canyon on the drive home. My husband did a river search here with our dog for an accident victim. This is actually on the straighter part of the drive home up through central Idaho!
Your finishes are beautiful and it does feel so good to gift quilts to others. I love the purple quilt design. How nice that you were able to visit your family and see some of Idaho's beauty. The twins are getting so big and really resemble each other! Have a good week.
Your quilts are always so beautiful and I just bet the one you gave your friend makes her feel so good. The dresden is gorgeous. Mine is next up on the basting pile (My basting pile inspired by you! Thank you very much for that idea!). The grands are getting so big so fast! I bet it was hard to leave them.
You are blessed with beautiful grandchildren. And it was so nice that you got to go see all of them at once! We are visiting our daughter in Texas and I will get to see her three children this coming week - I can't wait!
Thanks for linking with Design Wall Monday - I love seeing your Dresden plate quilt. Judy
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