Monday, May 14, 2018

This and That

I have done very little in the quilting area.  I have puttered around and done some sorting.  I think it is just procrastination on starting a wedding quilt.  I need to dive in.

I joined a 100 day scrap vortex challenge in early April, but I struggle with random scrappiness.  The original scrap vortex sew along is pictured here.  I am using my batik scraps I had cut up into 2.5 squares, 2.5 X 4.5", 2.5 X 6.5, and strips that I am cutting into 8.5" and 10.5" lengths.  This is what I have so far.  I am thinking about black sashing, hence the piece hanging down
10" blocks - 26 completed
I bought this Hoffman Spectrum print that I fell in love with.  I LOVE flowers!  I am visualizing a One Block Wonder quilt, but leaving one piece whole in the middle.  I have seen several OBW's  using center panels. I have 8 repeats of this fabric!

I am not the world's best photographer.  We have a lot of dandelions popping up in the pasture and hay field below our house.  They are in the yard too, but I mow those and try to keep them out of there.  I was walking one day this weekend and saw honeybees in the dandelions.  I managed to snap a photo!  How is that for excitement?

 Linking up a little (lot!) late in the day for Design Wall Monday.


Ramona said...

I can’t do random scrappiness very well, either. I do like the black sashing with the blocks. It gives the eye a place to rest. The flower fabric is gorgeous and I see a OBW out of that. I haven’t seen one with a panel of fabric in the middle and will have to find one. Great bee photo! :)

Mary said...

That Hoffman print is sew pretty! Watching to see what you do with it. Better late to link-up than not. I don't do random too well either.

Judy Hansen said...

It is interesting to see your scrappy quilt - I like it. I went back to your source and read about it, and it looks like it would be a good quilt to get my scrap pile into a quilt. Thanks for linking with Design Wall Monday, we don't care when you post, just like it when you do. Judy

Judy D in WA said...

Am I the only random scrappy lover??? LOL I love your Vortex with the black. That is more you than not using it. Love the Hoffman fabric. I've still not made a OBW. Some day. Maybe.

QuiltGranma said...

I understand that it is important that we leave dandelions to bloom in the early spring for the bees to have something to feed upon. Because they are the first flowers to bloom! Love your quilt!