One of my summer projects was to straighten my quilt closet. Saturday morning I decided to straighten the closet to make it easier for those friends to take quilts out (joking of course). This is what the closet looked like when I started, I had to shove quilts back on the floor to get the door open. I have been a slob at putting them away!
After several hours this is the finished closet. Guess how many quilts are in there? Seriously, guess! Keep in mind I went through a mini phase and I have MANY wallhangings. The floor is holding mostly larger quilts with Heart themed quilted on the far right (short pile). The next shelf up holds 2 1/2 piles of Christmas quilts and 2 piles of fallish quilts. The next shelf up is mostly wallhanging and smaller with some throw size quilts including Easter. My patriotic quilts are out right now. I will say in addition to the quilts in the closet I counted all the quilts in my house not in the closet. There are 69 more!!! YIKES! I give away a LOT of quilts too!
I finally got all my Canyon Dance blocks squared up. My design wall isn't big enough! I didn't get a picture before I started auditioning possible sashing strips (or not), see below for options. I just put a few pieces of each color on the wall. They will finish at 1" IF I decide to use sashing!
Option 1 - turquoise
Option 2 - purple
Option 3 - navy
Option 4 - no sashing
Which is your favorite? This is the original one I made. If I use sashing I will have 20 extra blocks and can make a quilt for a Care Center resident.
The black sashing makes the colors pop. My favorite is the turquoise, it is so calming with the busy blocks.I am amazed at your quilt closet. I don't want to even try to count my quilts. They don't fit in any one closet here.
You did good to get that done in a few hours, I think I would have been tempted to just close the door again! But that's one of the good points for having company, it makes us do those tasks. On the quilt I like all the options but no sashing is maybe my favorite.
I think I like "No Sashing" best... my eye keeps moving over the blocks. If I were to use sashing, I like the purple best. Wow! Your quilt closet is amazing! And you have 69 quilts that aren't in your closet?!? I don't think I'll count the quilts in my house. I've been quilting for 15 years and have a ton, after giving a ton away! We all know fabric multiples when we aren't looking, so it stands to reason that quilts would, too. It has to feel so good to have an organized closet!
Purple is my first choice, and then you get a bonus quilt.
Amazing closet full of quilts! How many hundreds of happy hours spent making those you can remember. I like the turquoise sashing best, so pretty.
The Canyon Dance blocks are really cool, and OH MY WORD, you have a lot of quilts!! And they are all FINISHED? If I counted how many quilts I've made, there are so many more WIPs and UFOs than there are finishes!
I really like the purple dashing, but then purple is my favorite color. The turquoise is nice too.
I like the black sashing best, second best would be no sashing. But you decide - it's your quilt. Which option do you love?
First I LOVE your quilt closet! I think there are 100 in there!! And that is so cool!
And i love the colors of the one you are making!!
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