Life is so busy! I am sure I said the same thing last week! I did make the next block in the Be My Neighbor sew along and I am up to date on the 100 blocks 100 days Modern City Sampler sew along. I also volunteered to be an angel and made a mini for a recipient in the Teal Mini Swap to support Ovarian Cancer research. I showed the one I received and one I sent in my last post. That's basically all I have gotten done Someday I really am going to learn how to take straight photos!
I tried something new to me on the binding of this mini. I have done flange accents many times and generally I sew my bindings down by hand. However for this mini I cut a 1 1/4" strip of teal and a 1 1/2" strip of pale green and sewed then together and pressed in half leaving the green larger. Then I sewed it on from the back and machine sewed the binding down on the front in the seam between the green and teal stripe. Corners were tricky, but it's a method I will try again.
Dresden Teal Mini 18" square |
Be My Neighbor sew along |
68 blocks done! only 32 to go! |
This is a kit I bought at the Spokane quilt show last weekend. It's so cute and two friends bought the same one. It came with snowflake buttons. I will work on it at a quilt retreat in a couple weeks.
Check out what others are working on at
Patchwork Times.
Good for you to be an angel. Love the Dresden in Teal. You are ahead of me on the Be my Neighbor. Haven't even cracked the Red & White package open yet. Retreat again, have fun!
Good for you to be an angel. Love the Dresden in Teal. You are ahead of me on the Be my Neighbor. Haven't even cracked the Red & White package open yet. Retreat again, have fun!
Your Dresden mini is beautiful! I love your binding. Thanks for the explanation, too. Your Be My Neighbor blocks are too cute. I'm looking forward to seeing your red and white quilt out of the package. Have a good week!
Your binding looks excellent! I love that idea. I'll have to try it. And your other projects look like so much fun!
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