My oldest daughter Amy is a teacher in Utah and just recently got engaged. She is getting married in late summer and mentioned she would like a Double Wedding Ring quilt! I'm still in thinking mode about the technique I want to use for that. Do I use Judy Niemeyer's Wedding Star (I adore paper piecing), do I use the Quiltsmart interfacing or do I use the Marti Michell templates?
My second daughter Lisa graduated from college this past weekend and I helped move her furniture to her little brother's apartment. It's going to be weird not to have Brad here for the summer! He is an Undergraduate Research Assistant in Crop Science. I hope I got that right!
Back to quilts: I am leading 4-H quilting and here is one of the projects that is being worked on. Her father collected law enforcement patches from trainings, etc. and she has them all appliqued (with invisible thread) to the backgrounds. She is putting a 1" finished sashing between them. It will be a large wallhanging.
Your DD doesn't ask for much. No pressure to get it done. Sounds like fun, I've still never done one. I have the templates from Shar Jorgenson, it's on my list too. Good luck!
Ohhh that quilt is so pretty - I like all the colors.
I recently bought a great pattern for DWR - so here is another option for you
Scroll down just a bit and you'll see the DWR. I am going to make the ring a little wider than she has it in the pattern - but I love the process.
I am amazed that you plan to have this done so soon - but then you are the fastest quilter I know. Has she picked the colors?
My daughter asked for the same quilt for her wedding. Unlike you....I didn't make it! :)
I knew it would never get done!
Love those Hawaiian blocks!
I think your Hawaiian one will look really nice with the darker blue sets too! The patches whing your 4Her is doing is cool! Let he know I said that! :)
I can't wait to see what you come up with for setting triangles as the blocks are fantastic!
Frabic Depot. Paradise. Was just there Thursday, they didn't have the shirting I was looking for. I was amazed.
Have you used the Quiltsmart stuff before? Pretty bulky isn't it?
good luck. I know you can do it.
What did you decide on Mom? If you want to keep something a secret don't post it on the internet!!
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