Next year it will be empty nest time. Oh yes and less expense at the grocery store! Of course there are college expenses to deal with but we have been lucky with the girls and lots of scholarships and wages from summer jobs paying for a lot of their expenses.
This is a picture of our search and rescue dog Kanobi. He usually sleeps more on his back than this, but last month I tried to paint the wall "dog dirt brown" because of the dogs laying against it. It's really not pink like this photo shows but not as brown as I was going for. Kanobi is part lab and part border collie.
Yesterday I painted my family room, kitchen table area and hallway silver mist. It's a little bluer than I was going for (see a pattern here in my color choices). The prep work was horrible and now I need to paint the window and door casings and get the furniture back.
Then it's back to my regularly scheduled quilting!
Amy's already student teaching? You've got to be kidding!
Nice looking family photo. Your kids are growing up. It happens to all of us sooner or later. That old "Empty Nest"...
You've repainted MORE? I won't even recognize the house when I come home, Mom!
I almost died when you said Amy is student teaching, Brad is a senior and Lisa is a Jr. already! Ahhh! Where did the time go? Now I'm starting to feel old...ugh, there, you went and did it to me! ROFL!
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